Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Basketball Reflection Paper - 1878 Words

Reflection Paper Playing professional basketball has always been a dream of mine since I was little. I realize that I probably wont make it to the NBA (National Basketball Association) but I do think I am capable and skilled enough to play overseas. Playing overseas is a business much like the NBA. There are many rules and guidelines that have to be followed. Unlike the NBA there is no NBPA (National Basketball Players Union). The NBPA fights for basic minimum needs for players such as your own hotel room on road trips, money for food, and a league wide minimum salary. The NBA is the only basketball league in the world that has a player’s union. This means that if you play overseas you have no player’s union to look out for your rights.†¦show more content†¦This is can also be referred to as Subcultures. Subcultures are groups with their own distinct modes of behavior. These groups can differ by ethnicity, age, religion, and geographic distribution. Another imp ortant factor when talking to agents and owners is understanding people’s attitudes. Its important to seek out other peoples favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotions, or action tendencies toward some object or idea. Being able to master this would give me an upper hand on choosing where I want to play and who I want to play for. The book also talks about changing consumer attitudes. Kurtz says marketers have two choices for appealing to consumer attitudes. The first would be to attempt to produce consumer attitudes that will lead to the purchase of an existing product. In basketball terms this would mean that I can basically tell the owners what I have to offer, showcase my skills and basically leave the final decision in their hands not having any idea if they liked me or not. On the other hand, the second thing Kurtz suggests is evaluate existing consumer attitudes and create or modify products to appeal to these attitudes. This would be the route I would go with just because if you go to someone who is familiar with the owner already you can kind of grasp an idea if that country is going to be a good fit for you. Furthermore, the second concept is the marketing environment, ethics, andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Society and Sports1139 Words   |  5 Pageseven in some cases criticism as to how you are living your life. In some cases, it may lead to you not being accepted by either group, theone whose norems you are not following, of as well as the one with whom you are trying to get involved. This paper will address all of these issues and how these seemingly negative situations can, will, and are, leading to growth. 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